Friday, September 25, 2009


43% of Registered Republicans surveyed believe that President Obama wasn't born here with 27% believe the opposite and the rest aren't sure.

Truly sad.


GearHedEd said...

Glad to see you're back, Botts! I got some catching up to do...

Anonymous said...

Surveyed by whom Botts?

Asylum Seeker said...

Well, this has a similar result (42%).
However there's another poll that has 42% believing he was born in the U.S. and only 28% believing he is...whatever the hell birthers think Obama is (a secret Kenyan? Martian?). I guess it's also notable that, according to the first poll, 25% of Democrats believe Bush let 9/11 happen. So....I am at a loss.

Richelle said...

the whole birther thing is really absurd. it's like the tea-bag crap and the town hall screamers bs. and what is so sad is that a lot of these assholes at fox news are promoting these conspiracy theories.

Saint Brian the Godless said...


Apparently the old DD blog is finally dead, or at least shut down.

Party at my place!