Saturday, February 20, 2010

Question of the Week

A suicidal anti-government fanatic flies a plane into a government building. Is this an act of terrorism? Or because he was white and not muslim, is this just a crazy guy? Because I'm having a hard time figuring it out considering the media hasn't said "terrorist" yet. But they didn't say "torture" either for 6 years unless of course another country was doing the same things to us and THAT is torture.


blackleatherbookshelf said...

Given the long screed he left behind with violent comments like "body count" and his want to start a revolution, I consider him a terrorist as well.

But since his name isn't Mohamed and he's a white man, he's just an angry whackjob. That there are 'tributes' popping up to this twatwaffle disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

Well, even though I'm not sure of the legal definition, for me a terrorist is someone connected to an organization that's overtly trying to effect some sort of violent political or cultural change.

This guy may have been fired up by the tea party movement, but no one told him to do what he did and it wasn't part of a larger plan.

In the same way, I feel the Muslim psychiatrist who attacked Ft. Hood was not a terrorist.

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

I guess I view him as another bastard murder suicide since he is serving no other master than his own self-indulgent anger. I have said before of such people - I wish they'd reverse the order...

Not.So.Sure.Anymore said...

I heard he spewed anti-Catholic,anti-God, anti-Bush, anti-American, anti-elitist, pro-communist propogandas, among others, in his "manifesto" which was very quickly taken off the net.