Friday, September 25, 2009

Is It Happening?

I'm sure you are aware of the suspected killing in Kentucky of the Federal worker. If it is verified as such, I believe it's something to keep an eye on for sure. However, the telling statistic to me is here

"The amount of taxes the federal government took in from the manufacturers of all firearms and ammunition in the fourth quarter of 2008, the period between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, increased 31 percent over the same time period reported in 2007. That's from the most recent Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Collection Report released earlier this month by the Department of the Treasury. The average increase from 2007 in the previous three quarters of 2008 was 9.7 percent."

"Demand for ammunition, across caliber lines, is outpacing supply. In order to keep up with demand, manufacturers are working at full capacity, 24 hours a day, seven days a week," said Ted Novin, the director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation."

Now that is downright scary. Again, this is the information age. Too much access to anything you want at any time. Easier to get across any message, so naturally hate, paranoia and fear can be spread in a split second to the paranoid, hateful and fearful.

And remember, we still got 3 and half years left for the Black President. I'm worried.

1 comment:

Michael Lockridge said...

I have friends who are shooters. The largest factor in availability of ammunition is the war in Iraq. A lot of munitions are required, impacting the hunting/hobby shooting community.

Essentially, the war effort draws off a lot of resources before they become available to the public. The remaining munitions are in greater demand than supply.

End the war (which I think is a good idea) and the surplus will drive prices down. Demand will drop as competition for resources no longer drives hoarders to build a big stash.

Under those circumstances it will appear as if people have lost interest in shooting. It will be a false indication. Many will be burning off their personal surplus in a changed economy.